Reaching into the Community
Christ Church, Dartmouth, continues to be an active participant in outreach ministry both in the immediate community and on a more global level. Policies, support and programs for these outreach efforts are the responsibility of Parish Council and within this, Pastoral Ministry.
Outreach at Christ Church exists in two forms:
Community-related Ministries: Any initiative that has as its focus the support, facilitation, or development of a group concerned with the welfare of others within the Christ Church or Metro area community.
Global Initiatives: Any project that has as its primary focus promotion, support, or education related to welfare issues beyond those of the immediate Parish and Metro area community.
Community-Related Ministries
To date these have included, but are not limited to, Diocesan committee representation, Anglican Cursillo, Regional Council representation, Adsum House representation, Parent Resource Centre support, Metro Food Bank support, Food and Clothing Ministry, Synod representation, Downtown Connection, Men's Breakfast, Anglican Church Women (ACW), Feeding Others Of Dartmouth (FOOD), Christmas Stocking project, Seniors' High Tea and Evensong, Association for Community Living Dinner, Celebration of Family Life Luncheon, pastoral lay visitation, interpreted services and Bible Study for the hearing-impaired community, ALPHA program, Logos program, pastoral correspondence program, and issue-related educational programs, e.g., Family Violence, Care for Caregivers, Parenting, small group Bible Study, Guide, Scout movement.
Global Initiatives
To date these have included, but are not limited to, support for Tangier Deanery Camp, promotion and education related to Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), Refugee Committee representation, Sister Churches and Companion Dioceses initiatives, promotion of, support for and education around various eco-justice issues.
Outreach at Christ Church exists in two forms:
Community-related Ministries: Any initiative that has as its focus the support, facilitation, or development of a group concerned with the welfare of others within the Christ Church or Metro area community.
Global Initiatives: Any project that has as its primary focus promotion, support, or education related to welfare issues beyond those of the immediate Parish and Metro area community.
Community-Related Ministries
To date these have included, but are not limited to, Diocesan committee representation, Anglican Cursillo, Regional Council representation, Adsum House representation, Parent Resource Centre support, Metro Food Bank support, Food and Clothing Ministry, Synod representation, Downtown Connection, Men's Breakfast, Anglican Church Women (ACW), Feeding Others Of Dartmouth (FOOD), Christmas Stocking project, Seniors' High Tea and Evensong, Association for Community Living Dinner, Celebration of Family Life Luncheon, pastoral lay visitation, interpreted services and Bible Study for the hearing-impaired community, ALPHA program, Logos program, pastoral correspondence program, and issue-related educational programs, e.g., Family Violence, Care for Caregivers, Parenting, small group Bible Study, Guide, Scout movement.
Global Initiatives
To date these have included, but are not limited to, support for Tangier Deanery Camp, promotion and education related to Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), Refugee Committee representation, Sister Churches and Companion Dioceses initiatives, promotion of, support for and education around various eco-justice issues.
Food and Clothing Bank:
Primates World Relief and Development FundLooking out for the World.
FOOD: Feeding Others of DartmouthTeamwork works best.